29 Jan 25



26 Feb 25

viii) Application PA25/01164 Proposal Non material amendment in relation to decision notice APP/D0840/W/19/3243611 dated 10.09.2020 to amend condition no 15 to state the following: No development, demolition or site clearance works other than the works shown on drawing '2144-4DAS-DR-A-900-001-P01 – Enabling Plan' and limited to the first 9m of the highway shall commence on site until a Badger Disturbance Licence has been obtained from Natural England and submitted to the local planning authority. Work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the granted Licence and the recommendations within the Badger Survey Report (by Plan for Ecology Ltd, dated 7 October 2019). Location Land Rear Of Kei Wei Rinsey Lane Ashton Cornwall TR13 9SF Mark Broomhead, CC Planning, has asked if this one, number viii) on next Wednesday's agenda, could be commented on by Councillors today Friday 21 February. If Parishioners have comments they wish to make please send them to the Clerk by 4 p.m. on 21st. Thank you



26 Mar 25


Neighbourhood Development Plan


Neighbourhood Development Plan Breage Parish

Breage Parish Council resolved in February 2017 to support the preparation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Parish. A Neighbourhood Development Plan is a community led framework for guiding the future development, growth and conservation of the Parish, and if adopted would form part of the Statutory Development Plan for Breage.

A series of public meetings and an initial survey of households in the Parish over the autumn of 2017 revealed community support for the preparation of a Neighbourhood Development.

In January 2018 the Parish Council established a Steering Group to take forward the preparation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan on its behalf.

The Steering Group is made up of local residents of the parish, and as part of its remit provides material to populate this web page.

How the Neighbourhood Development Plan works

The Localism Act 2011 provides for Parish Councils to prepare an NDP for their area. An NDP is a community led framework for guiding the future conservation, development and growth of the parish and if adopted would form part of the statutory development plan for Breage and would be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. It provides an opportunity for the local community to have a real say on how the parish should develop and how land should be used over the next 10 to 15 years. It is not, however, a panacea for all of the issues that might be considered important in the parish – for example it has little scope to deal with things like dog bans, litter, policing or speeding traffic. Neither does an NDP start from a blank sheet of paper: rather it must conform to and reflect national planning policy and the strategic planning policies set out in the Cornwall Local Plan. It can, however, interpret these in more detail. The NDP must also pass through an independent inspection and critically can only be adopted if it secures majority support in a referendum of residents of the parish.

 A Breage Parish referendum will be held on 10 November when all on the Breage Parish Electoral Roll may vote. 


The referendum copy of the Breage Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan is available to view here:




Should you need any help or explanations please contact the Parish Clerk: 01326 574781/07767165077 or breageparishcouncil@btconnect.com 


Cornwall Council links regarding the Referendum:


